• Member Since 8th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Just a man. Nothing special. I like almost everything I can find about sci-fi and epic high fantasy. I like plenty of other things, but you don't really care about that I'm sure.


Discord knew this was coming. He knew. So did Princess Twilight. They knew. They saw it coming a mile away. Yet, they let this happen anyway. Why couldn't they just let things stay the same? Who's the bigger fool here?

As of Nov/12/19 this story has made it to the featured page! That has never happened to me before! Hell yeah! Proof Welp, as of Nov/16/19 the story isn’t on the featured page anymore. Oh well, nothing lasts forever.

Author's Note: Okay! So this is a pretty simple story I pumped out because I was in a depression-fueled journey through immortality and its repercussions after seeing the finale of the show and realizing we've been right about it all since bucking SEASON 3! But whatever, it's fine, we're all fine. Just so you know I did NOT have any proof readers or editors so if you want to point stuff out that I got wrong, I'll happily fix it. COMMENTS ARE MUCH APRECIATED! Please leave one if you can think of something to say or if you just have something relevant to share. Also, maybe let me down gently if I suffered from "talking heads" too much in this. Improvement is a slow process and I'm rusty as all hell. Okay? Okay.

Chapters (1)

That's it, the last straw! Discord is done with this! He has had it with these mother-bucking ponies and their mother-bucking harmony! After a particularly bad day of not being allowed to be himself, Discord does what he does best. He finds a loophole and exploits the tartarus out of it. Best of all, he'll get to do whatever he wants, guilt trips from a certain yellow pegasus not included.

Then again, telling nopony one's plans certainly has its perks.

And what is his brilliant plan? He's taking a nap. If that nap just so happens to induce nightmares in those he dislikes and mass insomnia in the others... well, no plan is perfect. Dreams are more chaotic than the waking world anyway.

Story takes place in the undefined time between episodes "Keep Calm and Flutter On" and "Magical Mystery Cure".

Chapters (3)

There are some things in this world that absolutely no one can walk away from unchanged. Here we have Celestia on an investigative trip to the Badlands south of Equestria. Twilight's research told of a hidden city built by wonderful and terrible beings who "came before". Celestia needs to see it for herself. It is in a barren desert tainted by an unknown energy that destroys all who live...but perhaps not all who have lived. In one burnt out ruin hidden below the depths of that lonely place is a mausoleum haunted by its mistakes. Not even the ruler of the sun is all knowing and there are some secrets that will always hurt more than they help. This is a story about desperate minds searching for a solution in desperate times, what can happen when we let fear fuel the day, and good intentions gone wrong.

This is a sequel to my other story To Be Remembered. It takes place in the same "City of Dust" as that story, but I don't think you need to read that in order to enjoy this one. It's up to you. Contains some blood and takes place in a post-apocalyptic city outside normal, happy Equestria.

Chapters (1)

A post-apocalyptic story about exploring ruins, the mistakes of another civilization, and memory.

No one must ever know,
This land where we must go,
They hoped and shared their love,
Yet death rained from above,
The scars of passing linger on,
Through empty husks and unheard songs.
Although they now live in my heart,
The truth still hurts...where do I start?-Twilight Sparkle

Coverart by this guy who is awesome. THIS GUY Also, major thanks to Luna-tic for helping me edit this sucker! Perhaps even bigger thanks to Obabscribbler who made a radio play of it. You can find that radio play HERE!

Chapters (1)

A Man. He hungers for vengeance from a time when the world including Equestria was still primal. It was before Celestia and Luna graced it with utopian peace and harmony. What if every thing about their rule is built on the bones of other civilizations? What if those old pony tails aren't just stories but the few bits and pieces that remained of the truth? The fables of monsters and intelligent races not like ponies are more then fiction...they are dying embers of a time before.

Note:Many, MANY thanks to Book Smart for helping me edit the first half of the chapters. Ther other half of my thanks go to one ProtheanBrony for doing the rest of the edits for the latter half of the chapters.BookSmart ProtheanBrony

Chapters (23)