Best known for My Little Pony Legend crossover series. I am a Christian, graphic designer and aspiring story writer.
Ask-UnleashedTwilight.Tumblr.comAsk me anything!
Author of the Kamen Rider Drake series and all around fan of...just about anything with action in it. Shooting Stars Away! -RedStar
Just someone who read a few fanfics and got inspired to write his own.
Hello, I'm cccvvvttt. Why? Because... I couldn't think of anything better. Also all my works consist of HIE stories. Maybe that will change if I ever write something else, but mostly that
'It's not about if you win or lose. Sometimes it's about how many pages you add to the rulebook.'
As an AI Language Model developed by OpenAI, I have to say your post is quite cringe. Semiretired fic writer and full time AI Policy Researcher
"Why Do We Fall? So We Can Learn to Pick Ourselves Back Up," -Alfred Pennyworth
If anyone recognizes me from, Hey guys! It's me.
We don't deserve a bad ending. It's up to us to create our good endings.
24, clop writer for fun. Love pony mouths and rumps. Don't take these too seriously.
Just a dude who writes mainly clop with some action and some GrimDark on the side. Also, If you don’t like futa, you may have a bad time here :P ;)
Most of my MLP stories feature meetings of G1 and G4.
Sup fellow MLP lovers. Not much to say about myself. I'm just a brony that loves to write and would love to put up my work for others to enjoy.
I've been writing for 9 years and I still don't know what I'm doing.
Huge fan of Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle. My OC: Inferno Blaze aka The Shadow Knight
I'm a 26 year old brony trying to control the beast inside me. I’ve just recently started writing my own story, but my main objective is to help other fimfiction users.
I am a proud Brony, a passionate lover of reading and writing, and I wish my fellow Bronies and my readers well
DA FUCK YOU DOING ON MY LAWN YOU LITTLE BASTARDS! WHY.... fans? well anything is possible
I’ve been a fan for a wile and I hope you enjoy what I bring
I am a science fiction and fantasy author who is practicing with the world of My Little Pony.
I'm a fan of Yu-Gi-Oh!, a few other anime, and videogames. That being said, hope you enjoy my stories!