I like ponies, yes I do. I love ponies! How 'bout you?
Stories you should read
I Wrote This at 5 in the Morning Because I Couldn't Sleep It's the worst day in Rainbow Dash's life, until a good friend shows up at the right time and place. 2,652 words · 304 · 17
My Little GLaDOS GLaDOS just wants to test and be alone. Why can't any of these crazy ponies understand that? 115,636 words · 3,838 · 117
220813 You mad, brony? :3
220813 Cute things are the best, bro. ^.^
Why I oughta...
220710>>220654 Already met Sixroller I see?
Yeah, you two are even BIGGER fans of adorable pony pictures than me, so I think you two will get along splendidly.
220654 Maybe?
Actually, It's more like this; I follow the authors I remember I like.