There's always a lever. You just have to find it.
Holy crap, I haven't touched this account properly in well over a decade. Where do I start? Well, I'm trying to return to writing. Wish me luck
The purpose of a story is that it's a story. It can be more, but it can never be less.
I write books, make indie games, love Pokemon and FIM, and have a Ko-Fi, please give me money. Currently working on: Pokemon InfraRed and UltraViolet.
I'm like a god in cervine clothing. Lightning bolts shoot from my antler tips.
I don't know, man. Those weasels were on fire when I got here.
Awesomeness ensues awesomeness. If you don't get it I'm sorry.
Most of my uploads are going to be commission's and sometimes the author's wish to stay anonymous. Please respect their decision.
It's one thing to create/throw already-established characters in a story of some kind. It's another thing to develop those characters, regardless of the situation they're in.
British derp writer who derps and writes but mostly derps