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- A short story about the wonders of the skyEpicAeromancer33 · 1.1k words · 538 views
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I'm happy all the time,carefree and joyful towards people,likes to joke/fool around,basically in a group of friends I'm the joker,and in movies I'm The Comic Relief. :D
You're welcome.
Thanks for the favorite on Families!
Yea, I noticed the Inception-esque feeling going on.
79394 Ah, I see. Well, good to know that I wrote a good premise for it, then.
To be honest, I consider it more of a dramatic fiction with enough action to keep things interesting, but there aren't any drama or action tags, so I had to stick with adventure.
But let not improper categorization 44,000+ word length dissuade you. In case it wasn't obvious, this is our take on a pony fiction written with the concept of Inception.
It's the synopsis, it really intruded me plus I love adventure stories.