• Member Since 13th Jul, 2024
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


"Personality is kinda like Cereal. Some are basic, some are filled with color, while some are in-between..." - FruitiPebbei

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Found 2 stories in 137ms

Total Words: 13,290
Estimated Reading: 53 minutes


What happens when you happen to wake up as a changeling, with your siblings, AND you're Changeling sub-breed which are practically instinct? Well, this is a story about exactly that... These are, Flicker, Firefly, and Lightray! And you are going to see their lives in Solus (and Equestria)

(Yeah, I wanted to make a redo, hope it actually goes good this time. Here's the orginal: New Life Flickers - Fimfiction)

Chapters (3)


Oh, hey!

We died cause our world got destroyed!

Now, after a fucking year of training and learning, me and my sibs get to go to Equestria as Changelings(Or the new type we are I call Sparklings). Who knows what will happen? I mean, something funny will happen, funny for us at least!

(Crossover tag because of the teensy tiny problem of a !SPOILERS AHEAD!Tricked you! Did you really think I'd tell?!)

(Redo here!:New Life Flickers (REWRITTEN!!) - Fimfiction)

(And random tag because to little bits of randomness in this Fanfic)

Chapters (6)