IT'S A MAP! · 1:40am Nov 15th, 2013
So, it's about time, right? I tried to upload this earlier, but
I don't want to give out information here... Because obviously you're all going to use it against me. It's alright, I live in a cardboard box and I move it around a lot, so you'll never be able to.
So, it's about time, right? I tried to upload this earlier, but
Alright, so as I arrive on zero hour, I actually have something to release. It's not the blob of words I wanted, but I suppose that's alright. I had a lot of trouble working out how the story would start, seeing as there's a one month time-difference between this and the last one. After about fifteen thousand words deleted, I came up with the debut chapter. The second one just doesn't fit with the first, so it'll come out soon after. Sorry for any delays, but I'm finding it hard to get
So, I submitted that story, which will hopefully be up shortly. It's called The Ecstasy of Defeat, and if you missed the description, it's in the previous blog post. It's not in the same universe as The Winds of Change, but hopefully some of you will take a look at it. It's taken me a lot of time and editing with thewookie1, and I hope that it proves that I can write things that aren't in The Winds of Change universe. Or it may flop, which would leave me totally clueless onto why this story
I have come up with the final dates for my stories, the first of which, non WOC, will be released tomorrow. I will post the description below in a moment, but I accidentally posted this early.
Here's the description, and though it may change the general idea still remains the same.
So, after a lot of storyboarding and thinking, explaining and counter explaining, I have a lot of the plot line together for the finale. I said last blog entry that it would take at least a week with everything else going on and my sad attempts at beginning after a time skip. So things have been slow. But my due date, set further away than I'd like so that I have no excuses, is November 10th. That's a Saturday. Now, I'm sure that some of you are a little annoyed that I pushed it down the
It's been a while, I think. I'm not really sure. But this is an obligatory update that I'm sticking into cyberspace to just tell everyone that I'm not dead, and that I have been working on things. Here's my general schedule for the weeks ahead, so that you all know what to expect.
Thinks keeping me from writing
-the need to eat
-the need to sleep
-AP chemistry
Figured I'd say that I can't do anything until Saturday at the earliest. I'm at one word on the next chapter, so that's going well.
Have decided to make it a trilogy, as opposed to a really long sequel, so congratulations. I was kinda surprised how many comments there were, so... keep it up?
So, people want a sequel. To a sequel. I still thought it sounded ridiculous, until one guy called it a trilogy. Wow, that sounds so much better than threequel or sequelception. Actually, for it to be sequelception I think I need to go deeper.
But I'll put it up to a vote of the three people that read this, and if there's a majority from those people, then I'll probably word it more as something that's going to happen at the end of the next chapter.
Alright, I'll make this real quick. Two new chapters coming out tomorrow, one for Fog of War and one for... something else. Heh. Stop getting so excited. For those of you that care about length, it's pretty short. But it's important, in my opinion.
I'm not sure how long it's been since the last chapter, but I know it's been a while. Sorry about that, but with the whole classes thing going on, I'm busy. This is going to probably be the one status that I abide by, because it's not easy to actually find time anymore. I'd love to be working on other stories, and with things in Fog of War heating up again (rather slowly at the moment) to the inevitable finale that still seems really far away, with several other things in the way. This is a