Syntactic sugar causes cancer of the semicolons.
I like to make people laugh, so I try to type out stories that are both funny and slightly serious... What else... Oh, I know a lot about and love Halo and my favorite pony is Pinkie Pie. That's all.
“You use a glass mirror to see your face; you use works of art to see your soul.” George Bernard Shaw
All the world is indeed a stage, and we are merely players, performers, and portrayers; each anothers audience outside the gilded cage.
>tfw you realise you're a generic white girl
My name is CassandraMyOCisBestpony. I chose that name after I invented the OC named Cassandra. She is long lost sister to the princess, and the seventh element of harmony. My OC, don't steal.
I travel space and time, searching for perfection, for safety, and for purpose. I may never find it, and I may get lost, but the important part is the journey, not the destination. Enjoy it or remiss.
I am an editor. I copyedit words that people write. These words may be good or bad, but once I'm done, they are usually good.
Like my username says, a Generic User. Nothing more, nothing less.
I'm a sexy general who enjoys generally generaling.
I write about Rari-Twi, Twi-Luna, Twi-Lestia, and combinations of these. On a long hiatus. Thanks for reading!
This account has been remade and is no longer active. -The account owner