"Good and evil are utterly meaningless terms that vary from society to society." ~Yahtzee Croshaw
The Adventures of Fragment hasn't updated in almost a year now, and I sure there's someone out there who'd like to know why.
Well, allow me to explain.
The question is simpler than the answer.
Should a story's amount of likes matter if it's never been in the Featured Box?
Fun fact: the outro song I used I used just because the main character's name is Dirge.
Hatred is a game that is deliberately trying to be offensive. Forgive me if that's obvious to you, but it apparently slipped by some people, who never seemed to grow tired of pointing out that it was offensive, and therefore shouldn't be allowed. You know me, I'm a pretty liberally-minded guy, but I confess to having difficulty following the logic here. Something set out to be offensive and you were offended by it, therefore it shouldn't be allowed? Why do you want to punish
Within the next week or so I will begin the process of getting my drivers licence! And if all goes well I'll get a job soon after that. You know what that means? Yup, more delays of chapters editing and reading(s) creation.
You have no idea how much I love this picture.