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- The third part In the ‘War Robots In Equestria’ series.Pony Riff · 1.7k words · 142 views
- The second part of the ‘War Robots In Equestria’ anthology series.Pony Riff · 1.7k words · 111 views
- No pony knows how it got there, or where it might’ve come from. They just woke up went outside, and there it was, standing proud and silent.Pony Riff · 2.3k words · 258 views
- A G5 crossover anthology featuring the famous House Robots from the British TV Show, Robot Wars!Pony Riff · 2.4k words · 156 views
- A Generation 5 crossover story, featuring monsters from Knottshurr Island, by Uksus and Raw Zebra, from the game ‘My singing monsters, the lost landscapes’, based on the game ‘My Singing Monsters’, by BigBlueBubble.Pony Riff · 10k words · 285 views
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