My very first Fanfic · 1:20pm Oct 6th, 2013
So yeah ponies, the day has finally come. The day i got my ass up and started writing a story.
An huge disadvantage of mine is that english is not my native language and so help is appreciated.
As soon as the story is up, i would appreciate your help to spread the word and help me get a small but nice fanbase or lemme call it "editors/helpers" to help me^^
Thank you very much,
your Friedlnator. (Yeah i know, only 2 guys can read this atm, the 2 guys that followed me: big thx to you!)
Thank you for the watch and for favoriting Heart of Diamonds.
Thanks for the fave! Don't forget to rate the story!
178728 you're welcome :D
I enjoy reading the stories of yours,
so you deserve WAAAY more Watchers
Thanks for the watch!
161180 yeah im glad i found such an amazing writer as you
and no problem for following