• Member Since 20th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 17th, 2024


Seems Like Y'all Need A Hero

Comments ( 26 )
  • Viewing 22 - 26 of 26

You should keep reading Austraeoh. The answers take their time to come, but when they do it's in a big, big way.

Thank you for fav'ing Trail of a Shooting Star. :twilightsmile:


No problem. In my opinion, the average fimfiction author doesn't get half of the praise and thanks they deserve. The things y'all do really make my day.

1723959 Thank you so very much for the kind compliment.
I am not sure what to say when given such accolades except if you have anything about the basis of the story or Bolos in general, please, don't hesitate to ask, I am always willing to fill things in! :twilightsmile:


Not a problem. I find the story fascinating. I have no background with what this fic is crossed with, so I find myself quite on edge trying to determine whether this entity is friend or foe.

I have to admit, some fan-fics out there require a bit of effort to enjoy, but your's is very natural. I flows smoothing, a perfectly fun, intriguing read.

Thanks for the effort you clearly put into this work.

  • Viewing 22 - 26 of 26
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