• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2011
  • offline last seen Jun 28th, 2013

Smashing Good Time

I write fics, mostly crossover ones. Sue me if you wish.

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Total Words: 21,203
Estimated Reading: 1 hour


Call it what you will; a revelation from god, or a curse from the demon king, the fact remains that Equestria as you know it has come to an end.

A heretic princess called down an unearthly darkness, and ripped open the barrier between our world and the demon world. Chaos and destruction descended out of the sky, from the black abyss.

Pain upon death...nothing but suffering in this night-shrouded world. Who can we pray to? There are only demons and fiends here.

Hope is not completely lost, though. A voice beguiles to a young unicorn: “Your past is a mystery, and shall be unraveled by the candles’ flames…”

An adaption of Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne and Shin Megami Tensei 2 in a world where Nightmare Moon won.

Chapters (3)

In which short drabbles are written featuring random MLP crossovers.

Thanks to jcel4569 for proofreading the first chapter!

Chapters (1)