• Member Since 12th Feb, 2023
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Faith | infp | a writer who has too many ideas and not enough time

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  • 90 weeks
    something I've been thinking about.

    Hi, friends!! So I've finally returned to this account, and I am working on some new stories which will be coming soon!! <3

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    1 comments · 138 views
  • 100 weeks

    Hello, friends. Hope you're doing well today!! I just wanted to let you know that I am going to be REWRITING my first 2 books and significantly changing some things that happened. I have a new idea, and I know I should have thought about it more thoroughly before posting these, but I learn from my mistakes and it's too late now ahaha
    First I am doing Lightnings Life which is also my most popular story, so if you don't see it, do not panic! It'll be back up soon.

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    0 comments · 121 views
  • 101 weeks
    Feeling brave!!

    Guess what this girl did today...
    She turned the ratings on!!!
    I kept them off for a while because tbh the dislikes seemed like too much negativity for me, but I've gotten great responses in other ways (favourites, comments, messages) so I figured I would try it.
    All i hope is that if anyone does not enjoy my story, that they comment why and how I can improve my writing. 💕☀️
    Hope you all are doing well!! - Faith x

    2 comments · 141 views
  • 101 weeks
    is it just me...

    is it just me or does anyone else binge write like 6 chapters at once but then you don't want to upload them all at once because you want an uploading schedule but you want to share the entire story right now?
    because I DO

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    0 comments · 103 views
  • 104 weeks
    Exciting news!!

    First of all, thanks for all the favourites and messages about my books. I wasn't sure about posting them, but I have learned this week how kind and accepting everyone is here. 💗 I'm nearly done with Moondancer's Memories, and it should be finished this week! I'm trying to keep a consistent uploading schedule, but I'm so excited I just want to post it all now 😂 💕

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    1 comments · 136 views
Comments ( 12 )
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You're very welcome! :heart:

Welcome to FimFiction.Net! :twilightsmile:

That really means a lot to me, thank you. I just love those goofy little gals. :twilightsmile:

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