• Member Since 29th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 7th, 2020


I'm a Soldier stationed in Fort Hood. I'm an aspiring writer/artist and am currently working on a Master's in Psychology.


  • Registered: Jul 29th, 2012

Stories ( 14 )

Top Stories

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    On a summer trip to the beach, Spike meets two interesting females, and Rarity is none too happy.
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  • TLove Is Blind; Friendship Closes Its Eyes
    It's been a long time since Princess Nidra and Anthea fought over the affections of the dragon-pony, Turquoise. Since then they have been through much and become good friends. Now, an aging Anthea has one last request of her friend.
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  • ELove Is Patient
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  • EIn the End These Things Matter Most
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