• Member Since 23rd Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 21st, 2016


A more of a Slice of Life writer, loving the feels of each story.

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“The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively”

― Bob Marley

Everyone wants to be famous. To be remembered in the future for their actions, commitment, and dedication. To hear their name in songs that celebrate their courage and honor. To read about their accomplishments in the history books. To die like a king, having many mourn for the death of a living legend. To look back at their life with glee and say to themselves, "I did it." Some make friends on the way, learning that not only did they help themselves, but they also have a huge impact on the lives of their friends and family. For a pegasus whos odds are always against him goes on a long journey to be the best he can be, he soon finds that his time for fame comes knocking at his door. The power will be in his hooves. Will he use his fame for his friends and family, sharing his glory for everypony to enjoy? Or will he go overboard with his lust for power and make only himself the greatest pony to ever live, knocking down anypony who stands in his way. A star is rising, only he can decide to be a burning sun.

Chapters (2)