• Member Since 23rd Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 17th, 2024



NEW EVANGELION VIDEO ANYONE? · 11:06pm Apr 20th, 2015

I came across two New Evangelion videos. 1. a music based on the new Eva Short "Until you come to me" which is a short about the angst of Shinji Ikari going after Evangelion 3.0 and possibly a glimpse of Evangelion 4.0. Song "Oh Danny boy" is play by BYU Vocal Point, in the actual short it's a sympathy version of the classic Irish song.

Prepare the feels. (WARNING: May have some disturbing images and One partial Nudity For Purest.)

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Report AuthorKnight90 · 438 views ·

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I will give it a look for a bit.

Would you like to read this story I made?

EA King’s Grand Entrance
We all know what’s been going on with the Main 6 and Tempest while they were away from Equestria. But, the biggest questions would be: What happened while they were gone? What could the Storm King have done while he took up residence in Equestria?
A Man Undercover · 4.6k words  ·  75  28 · 2.8k views

That's a big problem with harem story's. The harem doesn't start till WAY later. Its going to focus on the action and the story with their relationships developing on the way and them developing feelings.

Its unrealistic that they'd instantly want to be in his pants.

Alright just make it right and have him develop their relationship instead of right on the spot. The problem that harem story goes is they simply have sex and all of a sudden all the ponies character the oc meet what's to be with him. I like to see they are actually wanting to develop more than a sexual pleasure relationship unless the characters themselves don't feel that way. I don't mine harem story some of my favorite anime are harem story my only concern is I want to believe the character feeling are genuine and that the harem's mate are not useless but could take care of themselves with out their partner always involved. These characters are hero for a reason so please don't try and take that away too much.

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