• Member Since 30th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen March 12th


I never make mistakes. I thought I'd made one once, but I was wrong.


While Discord was busy terrorizing Equestria and tormenting Twilight and her friends, his power ran rampant throughout the world, twisting rabbits into monsters, flipping day and night at random...

Making a particular farmpony bonkers and think he was a dog.

This is what the story neglected to mention.

Set during Season 2, approximately around Hearth's Warming Eve. Rated Teen for a lot of implications. Proofread by Pascoite.

Chapters (1)

The mission was supposed to be simple. Get in, get information, survive. Above all, do not break cover. She didn't realize how hard the last part would be.

Chapters (1)

Ponies hold nearly total sway over the world, from the sky to the earth and even beyond. Many of the races resent this, and scheme to claim a portion of that control for themselves. Some have even come close to toppling the ponies from their position of power.

This is not the story of one of those races.

Submitted for the Equestria Daily "Outside Insight" fanfic contest.

Chapters (1)

Doctor Wyatt Brown's theories about long-lost civilizations predating the Egyptians or the Mesopotamians were at best the source of campus jokes, and at worst almost a case for his termination. But when word reached him of unknown artifacts discovered in the mud flats of Spain, he rushed to see if any would prove his hypothesis.

What he didn't expect was how right he was. Or quite how long-lost the civilization he found was.

Chapters (1)

Ten years ago, the Bearers of the Elements were preparing for the Summer Sun Celebration in Canterlot. Ten years ago, a guard disrupted the ceremony. Ten years ago, Ponyville vanished in a flash of purple light.

One week later, Ponyville was found.

Now approved by Twilight's Library!

Chapters (8)

When Equestria emerged from the ocean, our world was forever tainted by its presence. In response, our reality pushed back, forming the Barrier around us as far out as the Moon. Before the first year was out, the last day the Earth had was calculated. Measures were taken, the Bureaus were built, and billions were saved through the process of Conversion. Even mankind's genetic legacy was preserved. But now, the clock has almost reached its end. Just seven days remain, and seven individuals who influenced history must stop, and consider their role in shaping a planet's destiny.

Chapters (5)

Everypony knows the stories of Twilight Sparkle's adventures with the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony. Their heroism in cleansing Princess Luna of the Nightmare, their courage in facing Discord and his anarchy, their resolve to help Ponyville face its many disasters. What everypony doesn't know is that none of those stories ever happened.

This is Big Macintosh's story. And it is true.

Chapters (1)

When the new landmass appeared in the Pacific, millions thought that the world had ended. The flooding certainly seemed to indicate it had. But when ships discovered that the emerging landmass had not only settled, but was populated by a variety of sentient species, fear turned to curiosity.

Six years later the world has, for the most part, accepted Equestria. But can Equestria accept a world so alien to itself?

A Ghost in the Shell/MLP crossover

Chapters (1)

Sometimes, we forget about our heritage. Sometimes, we forget about who we really are.

Sometimes, all we need is a little reminder.

Submitted for the World-Building Alliance's June contest

Chapters (1)

Tumble enjoyed his position at the School for Gifted Unicorns. Teaching history, grading papers, cataloguing the occasional archeological dig; that was the life he felt he wanted. When his sister, a pegasus named Peony Sky, dragged him off on yet another search for ancient artifacts, he expected another dusty ruin. However, what they find would have less to do with archaeology than he ever imagined.

Cover image provided by the talented Shilokh

Chapters (1)