• Member Since 7th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


An artist, a historian, a firearms expert, a soldier, a critice, a writer, and a brony. but through it all, i am merely nothing compared to the creativity of others. be sure to let your's shine.


This story is a sequel to Never Meant to Be

After being falsely banished to the furthest reaches of the world, Zeil a reformed changeling sets out on an incredible ten year journey that takes him across the world. This multi-story journey will take him further then he could ever think possible, as he faces not only the dangerous landscapes, but the creatures, residents, and mysteries that reside there as he discovers his true destiny is not only to return to the mare he loves, but to discover a strength inside himself that he never thought possible. But what will happen when he finds more then what he searches for, and how far will one go for the one he loves? We will see...

Chapters (58)

On the open seas there is a pirate known throughout the world as Captain Iron Hoof, who's reputation claims, that all ships seen by his spyglass are never heard from again. One such ship belonged to the noble Sail family of Horseshoe Bay which resulted in the death of the head of the estate. As a result, Crimson Bartholomew Sail, son to the head of the family, stole a vessel of his own and set sail as a pirate in hopes of finding and killing Captain Hoof. But with no leads or survivors to help, his goal seem near impossible to complete until one day when Captain Iron Hoof makes a fatal mistake and leaves a survivor. Now twenty years later, this pirate and his crew seek the aid of a deceptive mare and set sail to hunt down and kill the most feared pirate in the sea. What adventures await these less then honorable ponies... only time can tell.

Chapters (18)

This story is a sequel to The Price of Harmony

Seventy years after her father's death, Princess Umbra daughter to Commander Bolt and Princess Luna, seeks out a solution. The Griffin Kingdoms threaten war, but her mother and aunt refuse to fight. Unfortunately Princess Umbra who is sworn to protect what her father gave his life for, decided to take matters into her own hooves, claiming the throne, banishing her mother and aunt, and destroying her threat by establishing forced peace not only on The Griffin Kingdoms, but the entire world, and all with her new name, Thundaga.

However, five hundred years later, a pegasus names Cirrus emerges from Ponyville, and with him, a new hope, for he carries a power that he doesn't understand. Now he, an ancient dragon, an evil enchanter, and an ancient hero now must unite the nation and face the tyranny of Thundaga, and spread peace as was fabled by The Third Commander.

Pre-Story Comic The Ballad of Thundaga

Chapters (27)

With Princess Cadence and Shinning Armor's love proving too strong for Queen Chrysalis, she and her changelings are cast far into the distance and out of Equestria. Zeil a changeling who assisted in the attack, fell short and found himself injured and lost in the Everfree Forest. in hopes of receiving first aid, he takes the form of a zebra and ask Zecora for help. However, as time goes by, he starts developing feelings for his savior and starts to wonder, "is it possible for a changeling to fall in love?" and if so "Would she return his love if she only knew the truth?"

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to Under Crimson Sails

Meet Allen Key, an optimistic Earth pony who sets his sight on one day soaring through the sky. for years he toils away on countless inventions that in theory will give him this ability, but when he meets a stubborn Bat pony who has lost her ability to fly, he sets out on a journey that is far beyond anything he could ever imagine. will he succeed on touching the skies, or will he finally agree with the nay-sayers who claim that his place is where every other earth pony resides. on the ground.

Chapters (18)

This story is a sequel to The Wandering Star

1002 years ago, Nightmare Moon and Commander Bolt lead Equestria into a year long war which ravaged the lands and spread nothing but fear and pain to the ponies of Equestria. now, Princess Luna has returned to her life of leisure and peace... however her commander now lives his life with self pity and regret. With the weight of the world on his shudders, he hides his identity, ability, and past under rumors and speculation, hoping that the world will assume him dead, and leave him to live in peace. This lonely commander now finds a new home and new friend that make him forget his troubled past.
However, an ancient evil will soon return from its prison too... only this time, it wont be so peaceful for the survivors, of his last rein of death and destruction more than two millenniums ago. Now... the commander must set aside his pride and his anger for the crown. to try all he can to protect his former love... and his friends. when even the Elements of Harmony arn't enough. But what will happen to this broken heart... when his world is once again torn apart, from death and destruction.
(The Sequel to Tears of a Fallen Star and The Wandering Bolt)

Chapters (26)

(told by a character from Tears of a Fallen Star)
Captain Gem Stone was and will always be known as the Gem of the Nightmare Legion; Commander Bolts most trusted and loyal soldier known for her optimism and kindness, however, there was a time when she hated the world and everypony in it and she wanted nothing more than to see the good Commander bleed. . A simple mare, stricken by tragedy and sadness, who could only slip further into darkness. Now she takes orders from a soldier who claims he is helping, when it seems that his true intentions are to make her life even worse. She sets out on her own mission to ether prove him wrong or kill him, which ever seems easier.

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to Tears of a Fallen Star

Story of a broken soul, Commander Star Bolt the commander of Nightmare Moon's armies and her right hoof in a rebellion that was thwarted over a thousand years ago, has returned to Equestria and faked his own death so that he can put away his life of sin and live peacefully as a wondering pony. however, with rumors of his survival thriving, he is forced to dodge Princess Celestia and her Royal Guards and live a life of secrecy rather then peace. but is this tethered soldier really the monster of The Nightmare Legion? or is the evil that describes him, as phony as his own death? listen closely, as the ponies who meet this so called monster tell the tail of his travels from their own point of views.

Chapters (7)

(Part of the Tears of a fallen Star Series )
The Griffin Kingdoms… This nation was built through a countless string of wars that each king so valued as their claim of strength and power amongst the rest of the world. Now their next war has begun, only now the king’s enemy… is a group of his own subjects who seek to over throw the throne at any cost.
To keep good relations with their allies, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna decided to send their most loyal soldier, Commander Mist into the war with a selection of fifty soldiers to prevent the rebel faction from overthrowing the griffin king. Amongst the soldiers is the indiscipline Major Star Bolt who holds an unbelievable yet dangerous gift. However, this indiscipline soldier soon loses his patients with the young king who hasn’t even learned to fly yet.
However, what seems to be a simple war against some unruly rebels turns into a bloodbath when they discover that the rebel faction hired the most dangerous mercenaries in the world, known only as the Cutters. Yet thing are never what they seem.

Chapters (16)

(Prequel to Tears of a Fallen Star)
More than one thousand years ago, the world was a continuous string of wars. With nations at each other’s throats, leaders would place their trust in the assistance of mercenaries. But of all the mercenaries in the world, none were more feared than a special group known only as “The Cutters”. This group of three ponies, an earth pony and two pegasi were so feared that most nations would hesitate before hiring them. Mainly because their number one rule was to work for the highest bidder. Even if it meant killing their current contractor. With a past shrouded in mystery and a skill unmatched by any nation. these three mercenaries would kill without hesitation, without fear, and without mercy, a jewel for any nation’s military force. Yet there is more to them than what meets the eye.

Chapters (11)