• Member Since 7th Jul, 2012
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An artist, a historian, a firearms expert, a soldier, a critice, a writer, and a brony. but through it all, i am merely nothing compared to the creativity of others. be sure to let your's shine.


Update · 4:36am Jun 25th, 2024

I know it's been a while since my last post but good news is that i have been hard at work on the last chapter... it is a VERY long one (over 17,000 words) so i may have to split it... twice. there was just too much to put for the final chapter so its gonna be a multi parter. like the others of this scenario i will post all in less than a day apart so you won't have to wait, but it will be a great end to an amazing series. with a lot of call backs.

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Apologies for the wait · 4:05am Mar 27th, 2024

i know the last chapter of Loves Lost Decade is taking a while, but I had to take a little break since my father recently passed away last month. the chapter is still continuing, but I only hope everyone will be a little patient as I finish it. it was always going to be a long one, but with getting his estate in order and a little time for grieving it's just taking longer than hoped. Thanks, and don't worry it's still be on the way and it will be a good end to the series.

Report Priceless911 · 108 views · #Apologies

Good news and bad news. · 2:24am Sep 17th, 2023

Hey guys and gals, since the title says it all ill just get into it.

Bad news... No chapter this month. the last chapter of the current book was already planned completely out but as i wrote it, I found it to be MUCH longer then expected, but instead of decreasing the epic' ness (probably not a word) of the chapter, I decided to split it in two. Which brings me to the:

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Report Priceless911 · 209 views ·

Sorry for the delay · 3:34am Aug 31st, 2021

Hey Guys sorry for being a little late with the current chapter, unfortunately I got Covid and was down for about 2 weeks so its been a mess and a half. luckily my strain in non-lethal so I'm fine currently, but with my difficulty breathing and loss of taste and smell, things have been very tiresome.

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Slight delay · 6:51am May 16th, 2021

Hey guys I'm sorry for the delay on the next chapter but turns out its a little too long so I'm doing 2 at once. The next chapter and the final chapter for book 7 will be up only a day apart but it will take a little bit longer to finish them. but don't worry, the wait will be worth it.

Report Priceless911 · 226 views ·

Next chapter and news · 9:53pm Dec 1st, 2020

Hey guys, sorry this chapter of loves lost decade took so long. A lot of stuff happened in the past month and I want to say this. To anyone who is or knows anyone fighting breast cancer. My heart goes out to you. on November 9th my sister who had been fighting breast cancer for thirteen years now sadly lost the fight and passed peacefully in her sleep. as always loosing family is a terrible tragedy and though I'm taking it moderately bad, my family is taking it much worse. Luckily the covid

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Report Priceless911 · 297 views · #Sad #story #cancer #update

Slight pause · 8:07pm Jun 2nd, 2020

Sadly I'm gonna have to put the next chapter of Loves Lost decade on pause.
The riots in TX have put us into a national emergency, so my gaurd unit has been activated. It should only be at around two weeks wait but if it's not one thing it's another.
Luckily the chapter is finished and the first proofread is almost done, but since I'll be away from my computer for a while it will have to wait.
Sorry 'bout that.

Report Priceless911 · 218 views ·

Next Chapter is a 2 for 1 · 7:50am Jan 13th, 2020

Well this chapter took off without a problem... but I'm nearing the end of it and realized its WAY too long... Right now its 8690 words and I still have a bit more to go so... i'm gonna have to split it. this is both good and bad for when it gets posted.

Bad because I have to find a proper place to separate it and rewrite a segment of that point to make it seem like an end of one and a beginning of a another chapter, so its gonna take a little longer to post.

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Report Priceless911 · 282 views · #update

Sorry for the wait. · 9:12pm Dec 12th, 2019

Hey guys, I know it's been a while since I posted a chapter and I apologise for that. Flu season hit me hard during Thanksgiving and it's hard to write when you feel like crap and have to miss family get-togethers for fear of spreading it to family members.
But don't worry, I recently finished writing the latest chapter and will have it up soon.
Thanks for your patience and stay awesome guys.

Report Priceless911 · 233 views ·

Credit long over due · 6:57pm Oct 4th, 2019

Hey guys and gals
I was searching through my YouTube account and stumbled on something I should have pointed out a long time ago.
A while back a music artist by the name of The Midnight Musician came to me asking about the cover art for my story The Price of Harmony.
He wanted to use the art for a song he made that he was puting in YouTube and since I commitioned the art and technically owned it, he was asking for my permission.

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