Hopelessness · 4:29am Jul 5th, 2013
It's a word used to describe over 3000 stories now in my read later list.
I'm scared.
It's a word used to describe over 3000 stories now in my read later list.
I'm scared.
The layout. Could they keep it the same for just a little while?
It's worse than FiMFiction, I tells ya...
So apparently the April Fool's joke... wasn't. I'll reiterate a comment I made:
First of all, you DO NOT post an April Fool's Day joke, say it's NOT an April Fool's Day joke, then proceed to make it an April Fool's Day joke.
So its a joke then. As far as I'm concerned, this whole thing shows massive immaturity on the part of the perpetrators. If you post the joke, then LIE and tell people it's not, you're missing the point.
So an *ahem* inappropriate provocative interesting (NSFW) survey by ImJustAnotherBrony got me thinking... in an entirely SFW way... if you were in Equestria, what would the Mane 6 ponies mean to you?
Rule of Fourths has now reached its 7th rewrite. Is that a new record? I have no idea. I'm going to leave it on hiatus for a while longer until it's beaten into shape a bit more. I'm still not happy with the writing, it's kind of dull and doesn't flow well. Reading all the great stories on this site has kind of destroyed the idea that my writing is even close to acceptable... seriously, just read something like
I have reached 1000 Read Later stories.
That is all.
See, I know Derpy was redacted. HOWEVER. It's plausible they could make Ditzy her canon name and Derpy a nickname. And if the episode is about why she's awesome despite her klutziness, and how she comes to accept who she is...
Quick version:
Had 3 chapters. Thought they were okay at first. Couldn't figure out whee to go from there. Nuked.
Long version:
I had basically hit a dead end with the storyline I had going on the unpublished chapters. I tried everything I could think of, moving things around, changing things, but in the end, I decided that so much was off that I couldn't keep going with the basic premise. So I wiped out those chapters and I'm going to start from the end of chapter 2 again.
Quickie update on Rule of Fourths. It is still in progress, and I have some chapters prewritten but I'm hesitant to post them quite yet because I need to make sure there are no plot holes. (Those of you who know me over on FA, and especially my older accounts from years ago, know I've done this before. I'll write a story, post a complete chapter, then start writing another chapter and realize "oh, that doesn't work at all!" and it's too late to change the plot. One time I rewrote an entire