• Member Since 26th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 12th, 2024


Just an artist/writer. Also a member of the US Navy cx

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Found 4 stories in 13ms

Total Words: 12,103
Estimated Reading: 48 minutes


Delve into the life of Mike the Magician, a young, talented magi who only wants to bring a smile to everypony's faces. He can do card tricks, vanish into thin air, and even saw a pony in half without injuring them. Mike loves his job, but loves his midnight act the most! Say hello to the most notorious thief in Equestria: The Magician!

-Dark tag for later chapters-

Chapters (1)

Shining Armour has always had a secret he wishes nopony would ever find out. Only two ponies know about his secret, however a third will soon discover it, and Faust only knows the outcome of the embarrassing and hilarious events that will soon occur. Shining armour is in for one hell of a ride!

-Co-written with Appledash5

We will try to update this story every week, but if we're late, don't freak out okay.

Chapters (5)

Friends are always there for each other in the end, no matter what, right? No matter the circumstance, no matter the weather, and no matter the issues. But for a certain group of ponies, their guilt may consume them entirely.

[A/N] This story will continue for I have decided that, instead of it being a one shot, I'll add more to it from my xbox and computer (when I get one!). any criticism and advice are welcome.

Chapters (1)

Some say ignorance is bliss. This has never been more true for you. You have been living in Equestria for almost 3 years now and you've gotten the name of every single animal in the Ever-free forest thanks to Fluttershy's help. Although, one thing you notice is the way the bears and manticores have been acting. As if something is keeping them in the shadows. All that you know is that this is not a good sign for the habitat. Or for you.

Chapters (1)