Just your average british lad. I write things for a living. It’s the strangest living you’ll ever find, second only to my inability to take myself off of the grid.
Fimfic Discord chat moderator | Wanna join my personal writing Discord server and chat? Click here!
I am a memebr of the Guardians of Equestria fleet on Star Trek Online
Just a big, tall dumbass that is trying to write words as soon as possible... And loves games. A lot. Also, I enjoy Roleplay. Feel free to PM me about it.
I'm just a Guy who enjoys this good cartoon and supports the fanbase.
I'm just a otaku passing through. Watch out cause the flower print wereing Diamond Dog is here to be awesome
And this is the part where you start groveling. I prefer screams of suffering MANE-ly!
"We'll meet again. Don't know how, don't know when; I know we'll meet again some sunny day~"
I am both a Sin and a Virtue, the roots of Love and of Hate. I write to teach others, so that I can teach myself. I dream to inspire others, so they can inspire me. I am proud. I am Pride.
A man who seeks to conquor his writing demons while also enjoying a show about neon colored ponies.
Original username Zoddtheimmortalone. I'm a fan of anime, but I enjoy the classics more. As for My Little Pony, I may not watch it as much, but I do like the show and I also love EG
*Insert very inspirational quote on why bubbles and the time spent blowing them are awesome here*
A buttery apple. What? You expected actual information on me here?
I write when I'm motivated, which, I am disappointed in myself to say, is few and far between, so don't expect chapters often. I'm also a sub par HiE writer that occasionally writes other things.
a Brony a Transformers fan a Power Rangers fan. Spike is best pony & we all have a Destiny
I dont write anymore I guess, sorry if you were expecting more
Just your average Junior in High School who likes ponies. I just recently started writing stories for this site but I have been a member for a while now becoming inspired by you other authors.
Whosoever holds this blade, if they be worthy, shall be king of all England.
A gamer for as long as I can remember, and always willing to help my friends; gamer or non gamer; Xbox, Playstation, or PC: if I can help, I will.
A hockey player from the east coast who enjoys paintball and airsoft. I believe Luna is best pony (Next Spitfire)
Since 2012, I've been writing a number of crossover-based stories. My most famous literacy works is my main story, Saiyan of Equestria. I'm the founder of the first DBZ group, Equestrian Saiyans.
I'm a writer specializing in Age Regression stories, mental and physical. I am a MLP babyfur. There is nothing sexual about it for me. Please get to know me well before judging me or my OC.
Greetings, fellow bronies! My alias for writing is Bass Canon, and she is my own creation. I tend to go from the family friendly slice-of-life stories to very fetishy adult stories.
A frequent pegasus who posts infrequent stories.