• Member Since 19th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 19th, 2016


Boop and boop


  • Registered: Jun 19th, 2012

Stories ( 5 )

Top Stories

  • ESoaring Luck
    With winter well and settled into the air, there was a stillness that all enjoyed, but this winter
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  • TA Duke Amongst Gods.
    Stultus was born into the house of Wincy and in the county of Hoovington, located within the Kingdom of Equest. As a griffin with a deep ambition for the crown, and all it’s titles, he makes it his ultimate goal to acquire it. No matter the co
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  • TRelentless Space
    Space has been the final frontier for generations. Since the discovery of Elium, hidden beneath layers of Equestria, technology reached its complexity. This mineral formed the basis for Equestria’s economy until a sudden shortage crumbled
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  • ERunning Laps
    Scootaloo never thought that being a P.E instructor would be this difficult. Surrounded by pubescent teenagers in a new and more conventional Manehattan High School. Apart from being away from home and family, she finds the best and possibly the onl
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