• Member Since 17th Jan, 2021
  • offline last seen Mar 26th, 2021


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Sunset Shimmer, having fled Equestria and Celestia, found herself in a strange unfamiliar world. A world of technology and strange beings that called themselves ‘humans’ who wield unique powers for either the good of the society or for selfish reasons.

After graduating from the Canterlot Heroic Preparation School, Sunset found a golden opportunity to further her goals by enrolling herself in an exchange program to the prestigious U.A. situated in Japan.

Unfortunately for her, she would find that she had chosen the most perilous time to move into the new country. Her plans will go awry, bonds will be forged, and power will be gained, but will it be enough to help her tide through all of it so that she could return to Equestria with her head held high?

A BNHA AU crossover project

My first attempt at writing, any reviews and comments are welcomed!!!

Chapters (1)