• Member Since 14th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 24th, 2016


Hi, I am Lunafilly. I write fanfiction of varying quality. I'm American, female, and in my early teens (so basically the criminal profile of a terrible writer).

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Total Words: 9,110
Estimated Reading: 36 minutes


Lyrica Lilac is hitting hard times. She just lost a Grand Galloping Gala show to Octavia, her marefriend Vinyl Scratch dumped her (for Octavia) and she is largely considered an old-fashioned falling star, one who never even made it past C-list semi-celebrity. And Lyrica has one pony she can blame: Octavia Melody. To get back at her, Lyrica decides to start her very own band, The Gemstone Quartet, made up of herself, two failing musicians, and one crazy Wonderbolt cadet. When they prove to be a non-starter, Lyrica decides to rocket their band to stardom in one simple way: battling and defeating every other band that rivals them.

Chapters (7)