Writing Again. · 2:30pm Apr 29th, 2014
Hey again guys.
Yes. I am alive.
Yes. I am fine.
No. The fic is not dead.
If you want to call the first chapters of the story 'Season One', go right ahead. I am. :)
Anyway, I know the wait has been long. Hope you all stick around for the future adventures of our consort.
1309829 I was reading a story by Kalash97 called Racer and the Geek, and it went on haitus for far too long. So I did something in the same vein, and my few fans love it x3 I would be happy to see more stories like this one crop up!
1323376 Uh....
1323314 Previous comment edited after finding that story in StarTrekFan's Favs.
1322970 glad to see someone agrees with me. That guy seriously fucked up this story with the way he 're-wrote' it.
So, I eagerly await the next chapter of this one!
1309829 Apples apple. Apple apple apples Apple's apples' apple. On a happier note; even with the months old blog post the last active timer reading six hours means StarTrekFan hasn't died again yet!