New to reading please be nice .... siked give me all you got!
"When the buckled girder lets down the grinding span, the blame of loss, or murder, is laid upon the man." - Julia Ecklar & Leslie Fish
I love writing both Original Fanfictions and Movie Adaptations, I also love all forms of feedback
"Gold for the merchant, silver for the maid / Copper for the craftsman, cunning in his trade / 'Good', laughed the Baron, sitting in his hall / But iron - cold iron - shall be the master of them all."
People who spend the majority of their time online often have a distorted view of what the real world is like.
Nothing special here, move along, nothing to see, just ignore the lump under the sheet and the red stuff...
I write pony words. Millions of them. Some people actually think they might be worth reading. I am very thankful for that. Also, I have a Patreon now?
I write lots and lots of horse words; everything from comedy to drama. If you like what I write, please support me on Patreon.
Being a Wolf Psychologist surrounded by Pony kind can be quite the learning experience...
Come closer, stay a bit and I will tell you one of my bizarre tales.
I like writing, plain and simple. I've been doing it for at least ten years, and I love sharing my work with others. Mostly clopfics here, but some other stuff too.
"I still can't wait to lose my virginity conquering Poland with Goldenwing." - /mlp/
;A not so average unit armorer in the US Army. Also the hazmat, ammo handler, fueler, and occasionally mechanic UPDATE: Soon to be medically retired. Waiting to die. UPDATE: Retired now
Commissions are open, feel free to DM. Also maybe donate to my Ko-Fi
I am retired if you wanna fine my work follow the link.
I get too many ideas. Mostly Femslash. Lots and lots of femslash.
"Writing a book is an adventure: It begins as an amusement, then it becomes a mistress, then a master, and finally a tyrant." - Sir Winston Churchill
A fan-fiction author and game programmer that lives in Glendale, CA.
Even now there are only embers, and man sees not light, but only endless nights... - Dark Souls
Author of the Homecoming series, occasional contributor to Bodyguard!AU, and food aficionado.
An aspiring writer who grew strong with the help of fellow fans of MLP.
The home of the Shadowbolts Adventures and various other stories, mostly related to Equestria Girls.
I'll see you starside, everyone. Through rain, shine, or clouds, and no matter what it takes...I'll carry you there if necessary.
I'm a brony who likes to draw and write, My favorite Equestria girls character is Sunset Shimmer, I enjoy reading Fimfictions that deal with her seeeking redemption and anon a miss stories
Author and dramatic reader from YouTube. All your pony are belong to us.
Horse-words writer believing in the Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, creatively crafting stories in imitation of a creatively crafting God. Consider this: Are you sure you're going to Heaven?
As you might have noticed; i am a Ditzy finatic. (what? she's flippin awesome!) I enjoy writing Fanfics, and will continue doing so until i get good enough to publish a full story.
The purpose of a story is that it's a story. It can be more, but it can never be less.
A Midwest brony who enjoys writing about adorkable unicorns and alien invasions. Come join me for XCOM 2 livestreams!