Never seen mlp. Have read an unhealthy amount of fan fictions
Welcome to my profile, please, have a seat and enjoy some calming Jasmine tea.
Anyone can go anywhere if they work hard enough.
just a watcher now..will make library's on good / entertaining story's...and i have bin on here with a profile for around a year now...dont know what else to put
Just a person wanting to read good stories, and enjoys MLP. Favorite kind of stories is Isekai and Displaced Stories.
Just getting into MLP but already enjoying it. Who knew,right?
A calm collective individual who loves a lot of things, but can be difficult to deal with, and wants help with my stories.
Found this website from a YouTuber. Got an idea. Started writing.
I'm just a Demon Lord with severe high-level autisim with a heart of gold and has the title; "Universes' Privite Port-a-loo"... WHY ME?!?!