• Member Since 19th Jul, 2020
  • offline last seen June 11th


MLP theorist, analyst, and reviewer for G4-G5, and vector shield maker on DA. But I enjoy writing stories in my free time, usually tragedy or things with strong emotions. (pfp by SchattenspielRex)

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  • 54 weeks
    Status Update - Divided We Fall

    Hey guys, long time no see. Just wanted to let y'all know that i am still writing, and lately have been putting on a lot more time into my biggest project, a story titled Divided We Fall. This story takes place in the same universe as Trotting On is Hard to Do and The Last Changeling (i'll be making some small changes to the latter). It is a sadfic based on a theory i had soon after the G5 movie. Since its been so long since i posted anything, here's a sneak peek just for you:

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  • 71 weeks
    New Story Release: Trotting On Is Hard To Do

    Hello every-Brony, great news! I’m not dead!

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Status Update - Divided We Fall · 1:41pm Oct 24th, 2023

Hey guys, long time no see. Just wanted to let y'all know that i am still writing, and lately have been putting on a lot more time into my biggest project, a story titled Divided We Fall. This story takes place in the same universe as Trotting On is Hard to Do and The Last Changeling (i'll be making some small changes to the latter). It is a sadfic based on a theory i had soon after the G5 movie. Since its been so long since i posted anything, here's a sneak peek just for you:

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Report Lightningstripe25 · 74 views ·
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oh, thanks! I'll get it fixed

For those of you who have been keeping up with my videos on YouTube, you've seen that i have plans for some other Fanfics, so to keep things organized, here's a list of all i'm planning and short descriptions of them:

  • Friendship is Sadness (The story about what happens to Equestria after Twilight passes away, how it affects the other kingdoms, and ultimately leads to the fall of magic. 10 chapters long. Sad, Tragedy. Name may be changed later on)
  • Changeling Archives (a book passed down to each new Changeling Queen when they rise to power, and it explains the great secrets of their magic. 1 chapter.)
  • Lightning Stripe's backstory (not actual title, most information will remain a secret until i release it. about 15 chapters long)
  • Evergreen's Fall (another backstory for my character, information will also remain a secret until released. Chapter amount unknown.)

If you want more information on the top 2, feel free to leave a comment, or better yet join my Discord server (LightningStripe's Cave) for more information.

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