I love ellipses. Oh, and those (often morbid) lateral thinking puzzles.
More substantially, I'm 17, a drummer and consider myself a generally kind guy. I write less than I should and read less than I should, I'm afraid. Currently working on my second story. I very much enjoy reading any comments you might have about my stories and I try to reply to all of them as soon as I can. May we be free from the plague known only as Writer's Block; and find value in even the worst of stories. Obviously, Philomena is best phoenix. I try to worship free speech.
If you're so inclined, let me know what you think of my stories if you've read them, I'm always interested, be it scorching criticism or divine praise. Somehow I suspect it's neither.
Thank you kindly! I've certainly worked hard on it, and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. If you want, you can elaborate sometime, I'm ravenous for feedback.
I really like your Sombra story. I am reading from my phone so I will not make many comments, but I want to say that it's criminally underappreciated.
No problem, I'm having a lot of fun reading it!