• Member Since 18th Jun, 2020
  • offline last seen Aug 11th, 2020


I'm a pony loving wierdo, but I don't bite. Talk to me.

Blog Posts

  • 227 weeks
    Update 1 done

    I updated part one of my clopfic. I added quite a bit. I hope it makes it a little better for everybody who had notes. I hope your wieners enjoy the extra smut, and your uneasy conscience enjoys some of the re wording. I'll update the next part later.

    1 comments · 184 views
  • 227 weeks

    I'm painfully insecure. I know that you have to be able to stand up to criticism, and I'm trying, but I haven't even received any rough criticism yet.

    I'll be editing in some stuff to my clopfic based on some very good constructive notes, and I'll do my best to overcome my insecurity, but I might decide against posting anything else.

    2 comments · 143 views
  • 228 weeks
    Up next, more moms.

    The next story I'm going to start posting eventually is called The Mom Adventures (a working title) it'll follow the main moms on adventures they had when they were young. It won't be a clopfic, just a good ol' meat and taters slice of life adventure story. I'm still working on the adventure ideas but one of them includes a "moon cult," a cult of Nighmare moon worshippers who will try to bring her back. Most of the main moms have little to go on as far as their personalities are

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    2 comments · 128 views
  • 232 weeks

    I just submitted my first ever fimfic and I hope you enjoyed it. I put serious effort into it and will do the same for the chapters on the way. It takes place at some point during season 5 while the map is still doling out quests. I guess that's all for now. See you on the boards!

    0 comments · 133 views

Update 1 done · 6:51am Jul 23rd, 2020

I updated part one of my clopfic. I added quite a bit. I hope it makes it a little better for everybody who had notes. I hope your wieners enjoy the extra smut, and your uneasy conscience enjoys some of the re wording. I'll update the next part later.

Report Glimmeesteponme · 184 views · Story: We Both Need This ·
Comments ( 9 )
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I'm painfully insecure. I know that you have to be able to stand up to criticism, and I'm trying, but I haven't even received any rough criticism yet.

I dont see why, I rather like your story Swept Up by Glimmeesteponme and thought it was rather good.

People forget that writing is an art, just like oil painting or playing a guitar. No one puts out a masterpiece when they first start out. It takes practice to improve. A lot of wasted paper, a lot of wasted canvas, a lot of wasted guitar pics. You don't improve unless you practice. Don't let negative feedback o0r fear of criticism get you down. Write more and often. Don't modify your work so you can see your improvement. By deleting your old work, you have nothing to compare your new work to. This is bad when you think your writing sucks because without your older work to compare it to, you cant see the improvement for yourself.

Just a few things I thought I would share.

The Monk
“To say that Twilight Sparkle went bugfuck would be like saying the Incredible Hulk had some mild anger management issues.” -DustTraveller

Grammarly was supposed to correct that. I'm too proud to do it myself, I'm owning it. "I before e except after c." Fight the corruption in the English language. They just want us to roll over and accept it when they break thier own laws. Yea I spelled their wrong there, and Grammarly corrected it, I went back and UNcorrected it. Suck a dick English.

"'m a pony loving wierdo"
Typo: it's "weirdo". As in, the word starts with "we" - at least, that's how I remember the spelling! :pinkiehappy:

2910798 Ah. Well, I only hope I don't disappoint :heart:

No worries, and no particular reason, you said you wanted to be friends so I figured I'd follow you.

  • Viewing 5 - 9 of 9
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