Hi, I just happened to wonder around and spotted your bio. Anyways, I just wanted to say hi and that I love your bio pic(and maybe be friends). Just wanted to be friendly is all. Also, welcome.
50 Shades of BaconFeatured 2-16-15! Diamond Tiara refuses to attend the totally lame Founders Day celebrations at school, so sends a pig to attend the services in her place. The only problem is... nobody notices. Collab with the super talented RainbowBob!by lunabrony
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This is my old account! Thank you if you followed this account.
Welcome fellow friendship aficionado
Thank you for the watch. I only hope I don't disappoint
Hi, I just happened to wonder around and spotted your bio. Anyways, I just wanted to say hi and that I love your bio pic(and maybe be friends). Just wanted to be friendly is all. Also, welcome.