Just because I haven't updated anything in a while · 3:24pm Feb 1st, 2014
It's that time of year. You know, that time of year when you suddenly realize that you have four assignments due in the next week, and three midterms the week after.
Hello? Is... is this thing on? The red light means it's on, right? Or do I... I have to push a button, don't I? Well, which one? There's like ten! The black one? They're all black!
It's that time of year. You know, that time of year when you suddenly realize that you have four assignments due in the next week, and three midterms the week after.
As many of you may have guessed, I have power again. In all honesty, I wasn't expecting to get it back until the weekend, which renders my last blog post a bit melodramatic. What was expected to be a week or more ended up being a mere and perfectly manageable sixty-three hours. Granted, those in the city without power or woodstoves probably fared quite a bit worse, if the skyrocketing rates of carbon monoxide poisonings were any indication. Honestly, I don't know what possessed people to think
I've had no power at my house about forty hours now. Some of you may have heard that Toronto and the surrounding area has been hit with he worst ice storm in decades. And, of course, I was smack dab in the center of it. Two solid days of freezing rain has deposited about an inch of ice on every surface that ice can possibly be deposited on.
I still don't have power at home right now. The only reason I'm even able to post this is because I'm hanging out with a friend who actually has power.
Long story short: I'm looking for a new editor. This position may be temporary or more or less permanent, depending on willingness and performance.
Also known as: I'm still alive, guys.
If you're wondering about the near-complete lack of activity, my university schedule has been absolutely nuts, more so now that I'm halfway through midterm season. Between German homework, fencing practice, studying and lab reports, I've barely had time for video games, let alone writing.
Ah, well. Mister Nye had a good run. And he got away with doing the Robot on national television.
And yes, Bill Nye's presence was literally my only reason for going near that show.
... Yeah. That's about all I have to say. You can go back to whatever you were doing.
(Sigh) I'll break through this particular bout of writer's block eventually.
As some of you are already aware, I'll be making an appearance at Fan Expo this Saturday in Toronto. So, for those of you in the area that haven't already made plans, there's one more bit of incentive. I'll be bringing my ocarina, my performance skills and my massive ego along, as well as my dad. Should be interesting.
So Bronycon seems to be a thing. Wonder if I can make it this year? I shouldn't have too many problems.
Now how far away is Baltimore anyway?
... Nope.
Well, there's always Fan Expo in Toronto.
That's right. The final update to There, They're has finally been completed, weighing in at a mind-boggling 12,000 (or close enough) words. Yes, it's a bit of a read, but I didn't want to leave any more cliffhangers, and I also kinda ran out of ways to butcher the chapter titles any further.
It's been a great ride with this fic since I published it a bloody year ago. Would you believe it was originally intended to be a two or three chapter romp? Shows how much your ideas change over time.