• Member Since 2nd Dec, 2019
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I read-consume yes-yes! I maybe write yes-yes! I talk narrate! I-I draw paint! (You can find me as Zlagg1 on twitter if you're ever wondering what I'm up to)

I Want To Share An Important Video With You

Blog Posts

  • 2 weeks
    New Chapter Of There's A Second Pink Eldritch Horror In Town

    Just as the title says, there's a new chapter just freshly released! I'm making this blog post because I am not sure if the notification went to everyone, due to me accidentally posting the chapter 7 hours early.

    Anyway, hope you enjoy!

    3 comments · 63 views
  • 3 weeks
    Help Needed Once Again!


    I think that the newest chapter of Pink Eldritch Horror is nearly done. I am once again asking for any volunteers to come and give it a proofread. It would be greatly appreciated and you will be credited at the end of the chapter.

    Hopefully the chapter will be released this week.

    Anyway, that's all folks. All help is always appreciated and have a good rest of your day/night.

    3 comments · 66 views
  • 5 weeks

    I've put Why Is There A Pony In My Bed on a hiatus due to writers block on that story. For some reason everything I try comes out wrong. I have an idea on how to end it, but I have no idea what to put in between what's currently written and the end.

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    1 comments · 49 views
  • 6 weeks
    Help/advice needed

    I'll keep this post short, the third chapter of Pink Eldritch horror is nearly done but I have no idea if it's "good" or not. Part of me thinks it's fine while the other hates it, I need someone else to read it and give their opinion about it to me before I post it. I've postponed finishing it for a few days because of this, so any help would be much appreciated.

    7 comments · 104 views
  • 7 weeks
    News of My Little Chaos Sorcerer

    Good news! Chapter 1 has been rewritten, it only took a small stretch of time. That's my bad, I have been working on and off with it for a bit too long but now it's finished. I'm quite happy with how it turned out.

    Anyway, that's all. Have a good day folks

    2 comments · 85 views

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Comments ( 14 )
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Sadly no, It's a Skaven grey seer.

Is your pfp a Skeski ?1!1 :raritystarry:

Ah! Glad you're liking it so far! I've been wanting to write a HiE for a while now, but I wasn't too confident until just recently.

Thank you. I try my best.

Btw I read your story myself and really enjoyed what it has so far.

  • Viewing 10 - 14 of 14
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