Tallest of all the bronies! Maybe. Socal resident that likes ponies, war related things, and the use of the word saucy. Feel free to drop a line or whatever. I love to talk with people. Brony on!
through life we grow, we feel pain, love, loss, abandonment, trust, betrayal, heartbreak, sorrow and oh so much more....... but what you do with it..... what you do with it is what really matters
Hey there, I'm Pega, I design guns, and write shit, welcome to my profile.
Sa dude, what's up? Nothin? same. I got some writing, I think. Not professional, just like doing it. Anyway, see ya. Cheers.
Ohai! Extantdread here, available for some of your needs! Aviator, avid reader, occasional writer!
Look into my eyes... It's where my demons hide... Don't get too close, it's dark inside...
A bit silly, pretty logical. More than a little crazy.
Everyone wears a mask in their own way; from emotions, makeup, to physical covers. Many can't tell the difference between their real selves and the masks they put on... Can you?
Hey there! I'm mark17, a British aspiring director/writer who prereads stories in my spare time. Feel free to contact me with details regarding your stories!
I am a fan of fanfics in any catgory so im hear to comment and read
Bicken' back and bein' bool 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I'm Jack: writer/editor/stoner.
It's not about winning, it's about making sure no one else has fun
Hi my name is Sparknanator, I went on a writing break for what I think was a few good years at this point but now I am back and ready to write!
I cant wright but I like to read so that is why I have this account
I love donuts and ponies, therefore i am a dony.