• Member Since 26th May, 2012
  • offline last seen 49 minutes ago


Do not be fooled. I am a dude.


Graduation day was supposed to go smoothly. Sunset Shimmer and her friends were NOT expecting the plinth that holds the portal to Equestria to suddenly explode with rogue magic.

Dealing with the problem is only the beginning, as Sunset discovers when, testing the portal to see if it still works properly, finds herself not in Equestria, but a completely different world from either of her own. And as she'll soon discover, the magic has once again come here with her.

To a little slice of suburban hell called Lawndale...

A crossover with MTV's Daria.
Illustrations by Linnofthewoods.
Title card by Miss Nightmare.

Chapters (2)

Flash Sentry has come home from college to celebrate his birthday. Sunset Shimmer and Rarity have something special planned for him. Something which involves one of his deepest secrets and most heartfelt wishes.

The question is will he accept it?

If you haven't figured it out yet, this story features non-sexual crossdressing.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Smash & Grab

A dangerous Equestrian magical artifact has turned up in the hands of an unscrupulous Las Pegasus resort owner who is using its power for his own selfish ends.

Time for Sunset Shimmer and her crew to go to work.

Chapters (1)

When Pinkie Pie discovers she doesn't know Sunset's birthday, and none of her other friends know either, she sets out to get some answers. Those answers are very confusing.

Featured on 10/9/2019. Thanks!

Chapters (1)

"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" has been canceled. Sunset Shimmer has worries about what this means for her show, what it means when a fictional character's story ends, and why Princess Twilight seems to be taking this so calmly.

Maybe a heart-to-heart in the Green Room can help.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to In the Days That Followed

After dealing with everything from attempted murder, to personal tragedy, to survivor's guilt, Sunset Shimmer and her friends find themselves trying to stay out of the way of a government agent brought to the city because of recent events.

With the portal to Equestria closed, and something very angry lurking in the woods surrounding the city, the seven friends will find themselves dealing with foes old and new, a mystery that could threaten everyone in the city, and an impossible and unacceptable choice.

Part 3 of The Repercussions Trilogy.

Featured on 1/13/19

Chapters (86)

A lot can change in ten years. You and your friends grow up, move on, and return. For Sunset Shimmer, something else happened. She lost her way back to her homeland. She returns to Canterlot High on a futile quest to see if the portal to Equestria has returned. Instead, she finds herself catching up with her former principal... for better or for worse.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Borrowed Time

A dangerous magical artifact has been found and is about to be put on display at the Canterlot City Museum. Fortunately, Sunset Shimmer and her friends have a plan to stop it.

Unfortunately, that plan is not, by any definition, legal.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Repercussions

Following the events of Repercussions, Sunset Shimmer and her friends try to get their lives back to normal. But they're finding "normal" a little hard to come by. And little do they realize that recent events have attracted some unwanted attention.

It is STRONGLY recommended that you read "Repercussions" before reading this story.

Part 2 of The Repercussions Trilogy.

Chapters (23)

Rarity has discovered that Sunset is actually the anonymous street artist "Flanksy." This, naturally, has raised some questions: How long has Sunset been doing art? Why doesn't she want credit for it? And, perhaps most importantly, why did she let Rarity see her the next morning?

Hit the Featured box on 1/23/18. Thanks!

Chapters (1)