Proof that I'm not dead. I was just in a slumber, waiting for reason to rise again. I might have found that reason.
I'm a bisexual atheist from texas suffering from how lame life is and how awesome I am in comparison. (that's a can laugh now...)
Yea, I'm a writer and I occasionally freelance as an editor or collaborator.
ACAB | Kinky aroace ♠️ | All pronouns accepted
"Violence for violence is the rule of beasts" - Barack Obama
Occasional writer, avid reader and even more avid stalker.
A quote from those that know him: "Eat a Dick"
Sipping iced coffee, penning pony tales, and spreading love—embracing the sweetness of existence, one adventure at a time! (CLOSED) Kofi! Commissions!
Belial - She/Her - Purveyor of kink, gore, snuff, and occasional wholesomeness. But mostly porn. :)
A Young Homosexual Alone in The Corner, Crying – Suttree, Cormac McCarthy.
Sometimes I like to pretend that I'm good at writing.
Applejack will always love you 'cos that's jes' how she is, sugarcube <3
I write songs, comedy skits...and apparently fan fiction. ^_^
Everyone has a story. The question to ask is, what do you want others to read in yours?
This sneaky fox, always clad in a blue mask and gloves, has long been a bane of unwary travelers with loose accouterments.
I love My Little Pony. Rainbow Dash is my gal. Anypony who wants to say hello, feel free to.