• Member Since 21st Sep, 2019
  • offline last seen September 10th

not a brony12345

hello I'm not a brony if you are going to ask

Comments ( 8 )
  • Viewing 4 - 8 of 8

Thanks for adding “Anon Von Bismarck” to your bookshelf of Favorite Stories

Well thank you, I hope you will continue to like it as more chapters comes out. ^^

don't thank me man I need to thank you for making a grate story

Thank you for adding A God Among Ponies to your bookshelf. I'm really glad you enjoy it, and I hope you will keep doing so as more chapters are released. :eeyup:

Ty for the shelve spot:twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 4 - 8 of 8
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