• Member Since 23rd May, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 25th, 2012



Crono Crusaders Finally Complete! · 9:44pm Jun 18th, 2012

I finally finished my first ever FiM fanfic, and it is now posted in it's entirely for everyone to enjoy. I least I hope everyone will enjoy it.

While it followed my original outline pretty closely, I must say that it grew to be much longer than I had expected, and actually ended up being the longest story I have ever written by more than double.

Anyway, thank you to everyone who reads it, and I sincerely hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

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Slight Delay With Chapter Five · 6:25pm Jun 16th, 2012

So, life and stuff, man, life and stuff.

Haven't had any time to write in a few days, due to unforeseen circumstances getting in the way. Nonetheless, I am finished with all of that mess, or at least I hope I am, and now have the rest of the day, and much of tomorrow to write.

I did get all of the images for the chapter finished, which is a decent sized task in and of itself, so that's a relief, to be sure.

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Chrono Crusaders Part Four Posted · 1:43am Jun 14th, 2012

I meant to have this posted several hours ago, but circumstances prevented it, unfortunately.

Early this afternoon, while I was still adding the finishing touches, I got a call form my friend Danielle, asking if I wanted to go to the beach. I hadn't been in quite a while, and it was a beautiful day, so I accepted.

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Something That Bothers Me - Mispelled Names · 9:57am Jun 13th, 2012

Rainbowdash - Apple Jack - Flutter Shy - Applebloom - Sweetiebell

I have seen all of these spellings used in fics, just within the last few days. Not just troll fics, or badly written ones either, but decent stories, ones that the writers seem to have put genuine effort into.

So why are the character names misspelled? Some of the side characters having variations on the name I can understand. Bonbon, Bon-Bon, and Bon Bon, are basically all alright to me, for example.

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Three Down, Two to go! · 3:19am Jun 10th, 2012

Passed the halfway point in Chrono Crusaders now! Hopefully at least a few of you are enjoying what I have so far. For my first Friendship is Magic story, as well as my first ever story to be more than 6k words, I think it is going pretty well. Ideally, I will have the last two parts written and posted within about a week to ten days, so it shouldn't be too long before I can move on to other ideas. I have concepts for a couple more 'series' of Chrono Crusaders, plus some ideas for short

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