• Member Since 26th May, 2019
  • offline last seen Sep 9th, 2020


How/Why am I still alive?

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Found 2 stories in 14ms

Total Words: 4,556
Estimated Reading: 18 minutes


Rainbow Dash has been acting strange lately--and not the "I've been hanging around Pinkie for most of the week, she's just rubbing off on me" strange. After all, Pinkie Pie doesn't build sheds at random and strut around like a peacock.

After finally noticing this odd behavior, Twilight enlists the help of Rainbow's oldest friend, Fluttershy, for answers. What follows is not what she expects. At all.


Takes place between Seasons 4 & 5.

Profanity tag for Fluttershy swearing :rainbowlaugh:

Now with an Audio Reading!!

Chapters (1)

Everypony has secrets.

Applejack is no stranger to this, and it's time for her to finally admit her biggest one yet.

One that could possibly destroy everything.

Chapters (1)