• Member Since 26th Apr, 2019
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Digital Circuit

I like to write.

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  • 2 weeks
    Anyone good at digitally drawing swords?

    Hey, is there anyone out there who likes to draw swords?

    I have a sword I need drawn, the hilt is already drawn, but I need someone who can trace it digitally on a tablet or computer or whatever they use, before drawing the blade of the sword.

    0 comments · 18 views
  • 5 weeks
    Anyone good at drawing with pencils?

    Hey, is anyone out there good at drawing pencils?
    Like the cool shading kind of pencil art?
    Cuz I need someone who can draw stuff like that.

    If you or someone you know can draw epic stuff with pencils please let me know!

    0 comments · 26 views
  • 7 weeks
    Am I going to die alone?

    Hey everybody!!!! I’m excited to tell you all that my younger brother got married!

    I’m so happy for him!

    And now I’m a bit sad.

    Why am I sad you ask?

    I’m sad because I spend my life living alone whereas everyone else is living their lives and having kids and getting married.

    I feel like I do when I watch tv, always an observer, never involved in others lives.

    Anyone else feel this way?

    9 comments · 57 views
  • 9 weeks
    New chapter!

    Chapter 3: SINKHOLE!!!

    0 comments · 49 views
  • 15 weeks
    Why were there no Bushwoolies in gen 4?

    Where are the Bushwoolies?


    Gen 4 had Breezies, a race of creatures from one of the earlier series/movies, but why no Bushwoolies?!

    Will there be any in gen 5?

    1 comments · 48 views

Anyone good at digitally drawing swords? · 8:24pm September 25th

Hey, is there anyone out there who likes to draw swords?

I have a sword I need drawn, the hilt is already drawn, but I need someone who can trace it digitally on a tablet or computer or whatever they use, before drawing the blade of the sword.

Report Digital Circuit · 18 views ·
Comments ( 213 )
  • Viewing 209 - 213 of 213

I see you're putting my art of your OC to good use 😋 Glad to see you're enjoying it! :twilightsmile:

Oh okay that sounds good

  • Viewing 209 - 213 of 213
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