• Member Since 11th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen Aug 14th, 2024


Hiii ponies


They mean everything to each other. So when one of them falls ill, it doesn't take anything from them to drop everything and lend a little kind and courtesy.

A sweet one-shot of Sunset Shimmer taking care of her girlfriend Twilight Sparkle with a meal full of love and spice.

Some SciSet fluff to add some bliss to your day!

Regard: Not my art! PM me if you know the artist.

Check out My Story Timeline, for more stories!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Once Upon a Heartbeat

Sunset loves Pinkie. Pinkie loves Sunset. Nothing could change that, duh. They smile, laugh, cry, fight. Their hearts are wild, but they sure do sing.

Sunset Shimmer's and Pinkie's Pie's love continues to blossom with every heartbeat. I'd recommend reading the previous story which includes background of their relationship. Although, it's not completely necessary.

Rated ‘teen’ because they talk about underwear... I don’t really know how this story qualifies.

Prequel, here.

Artist credit, here.

Check out My Story Timeline, for more stories!

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle goes to a party at Vinyl Scratch's with her best friends: Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy. Unfortunately for her, she spots her ex among the crowd. So quickly, with her friends nowhere in sight, Twilight stupidly decides to pretend to be dating the nearest person she could find. Who by the way, happens to be a very attractive fiery-haired woman. Now with this mysterious girl gone, Twilight decides to do nothing but to track her down. It would've been easy. If she had got her number...

What happened next? Twilight surely didn't know.

Written For PRIDE Month!

Au, takes place in college, no magic, humans only.

Story tags and character tags will make more sense as the story goes on.

Original cover art, here.

Check out My Story Timeline, for more stories!

Chapters (11)

Sunset Shimmer never thought she'd grow feelings for a certain pink party girl. Just because they had a really tight friendship didn't mean squat. Pinkie however, knew she had liked her Sunny for the longest time!

Did they express? Did they impress? A heartbeat of moments through the love life of Sunset Shimmer and Pinkie Pie.

-Happy Easter-

Check out My Story Timeline, for more stories!

Note: I can't help but love SunPie. Don't judge, just read c:

Note: No sex, but it is implied/spoken of mildly, twice.

Original cover art, here.

Chapters (1)

“I’m so sick of it all! I don’t want to live like this anymore! Maybe everyone will be better off if I just...end it all. Right here and now.”

Sunset Shimmer is broken; lost in a deep dark pit of despair. Since the Friendship Games, she’s been having... thoughts. Thoughts that might drive her to do scary things. These scary things isn’t what she wanted. Or so she thought they weren’t. Yet, maybe it’s just her fate to... disappear.

"Does friendship, really carry on through the ages?"

Here's my own personal Sunset Shimmer suicide story! I had to make one for myself :)
Check out My Story Timeline!
Note: I don't believe ANY of the things I wrote about Sunny and Twily in this!
Enjoy :)

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer, after all this time, finally decides to ask Twilight Sparkle on a date. Yes, the Sunset, has a crush on the same Twilight she rescued at the Friendship Games. The question is... how is she going to do it? It also doesn't help that a bunch of things get in the way of her perfect plan!

Does Twilight like Sunset back? Can Sunset man-up and get her date?

-Occurs currently in the Equestria Girls Timeline right after: The Rollercoaster Of Friendship

Check out my My Story Timeline!

Note: This is NOT connected to my other stories :)

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer's bestest friend in all of Equestria; Moondancer, is struggling real hard with her magic skills. She has all the book work down, but simple conjuring? That's a different story. Luckily Sunset is there to lend some assistance. Now they can both help each other. If they want to get into Celestia's school, it means no slacking off! However... can their friendship remain?

Note: I never wrote something like this! Hope you enjoy!

Check out My Story Timeline

Chapters (1)

One day, when Sunset Shimmer is driving home from work, she crashes. Her car gets shattered, the other drivers are pissed, and it seems she has... memory loss? What does this mean for her future? Better yet, what does this mean for Twilight?

"Wait, I'm sorry, are you saying I'm in love with you?"

Can Sunset's memory return to her before her lover loses hope? What else has she forgotten? Will her life ever be the same again?

Check out My Story Timeline, for more stories! Cover art, here.
Note: Sex tag is for a small bit of intimacy, but nothing really happens.

~AU Series, No Magic, No Equestria, Only Humans!~

~Thanks to Zara Larsson, and her song Never Forget You, for inspiring me!~

ALSO, if you want a sequel, just ask. It's up to you all honestly. I'll write with any free will. <3

Featured 3/27/19 !! <3

Chapters (7)

It's hammer time and Twilight Sparkle is outside CHS, about to destroy the statue along with the only portal to Equestria! However, Sunset Shimmer is NOT about to let that happen. She needs to figure out why Twilight is doing this and fast! Before it's too late...

Check out My Story Timeline, for more stories!

Note: This story was edited because of the old versions really bad quality, haha. Anyway, please enjoy SciSet!

Cover art was changed!

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to We've Come a Long Way

Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer are both talented, beautiful, smart, and flirty woman. AND they're married! These two could seriously win couple of the year! Everybody knows it, everybody see's it, and everybody wants it. However what comes with the good always comes with the bad... and what's romance without a fight?

What happens when the two lovely weds have a situation they CAN'T work through?
What happens when they have their first ever so BIG fight? Is there ANY hope for their relationship?

~Includes another character that will be introduced in the story. (don't want to ruin the surprise!)~

Click here for My Story Timeline

-A/N- This is a bonus story that goes along with Loving Doubs and We've Come a Long Way. I hope you enjoy it!

~AU Series, No Magic, No Equestria, Only Humans!~

Chapters (2)