I am a brony from the north living in the south. My writing and art may be amateurish, but I don't care as long as you guys enjoy it! I'm working with a fellow novice and a good friend, Swift Ebony.
An entity of what does the wordsgood with ponies. Buy me a coffee?
A crazy winter lover who likes to write, blog, and cartograph about the fun and inconsequential.
Everytime you hit the like button on a story, Lumina smiles.
I fooled you. I fooled you. I got horse stories. I got horse stories. I got all horse stories.
Lecturer by day, pony word peddler by night.
I write stories about pony superheroes and cruel and unusual tragedies and pony superheroes who suffer cruel and unusual tragedies. I'm currently looking both fine and OK.
I am a conglomerate of Engineeriological and Writeological forces with a Ponypreneurial spirit.
Somewhere in the USA. Probably older than you. And something about MLP:FIM makes me want to write stories. Unfortunately, being gainfully employed cuts into my writing time.
This is my fimfiction account. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
A good story isn't measured by how long it is, but by how long it stays with you.
Your friendly neighborhood mechanic / fanfic writer. Don't worry, I'm good at both! :D
I love to swim, write, and waste my hours away on this site.
Hi! I'm some guy who flails at a keyboard and then suddenly has popular changeling fanfiction. If anybody finds out how I did it, please tell me.
Let the child inside alive. Leave all who would slay them far behind.
Supreme leader of the Union of Broviet Brocialist Bropublics. Writes tastefully smutty fics when he has time between banishing you to the Gulag and fucking your waifu.
Account is very much on a non-disclosed Hiatus :D TO THE MOON!
I shall deconstruct, make fun, and parody everything in existence. And whether you like it or not, I don't care.