As magic has begun to fade again, Zipp's urge to explore has risen. When she comes across a perfect opportunity to uncover Equestria's past, Zipp will discuss, network, interview and literally dig her towards a long abandoned and ancient Equestria.
This fic is a setup for a longer adventure, but is intended to work standalone*. It features Sweets as the deuteragonist, and a number of side characters from the movie (some of who I have taken the liberty of naming). They are: Moon Sonnet (who it turns out is usually named Gloomy Sonnet), Tomas (that one pony who looks like Sunburst but with completely different hair and maybe a nationality change), Z.Z. (Who usually goes by Zoom Zephyrwing), Thunder (Who has not remembered to talk about his sneaker collection yet.), and some others too I guess.
This story is a submission to the Generation 5 Bingo Contest
My prompt:
Zipp Storm, Rescues, Sweets, Scroll, Tartarus
Thank you to MeanderingNekomata for editing and proofreading! Thanks to TheAncientPolitzanian for more proofreading! Special thanks to the Bingo Contest Discord, and the flashfic 150 group which are both great! Thanks to Honk Boy and Vuld Edone who both gave me motivation to work on this at least once.
*I can no longer see that word without thinking of Ghost in the Shell.