• Member Since 20th Jul, 2018
  • offline last seen 19 minutes ago


any body ride motorcycles hmu

Blog Posts

  • 168 weeks
    Need help

    So I'm trying to remember this story it was in the crystal empire I think there was a meteor strick that carried a human there he starts to live in the castle shinning armor doesn't like him and he and cadence have been drifting apart turns out he was sleeping with the maids so she divorces him I can't remember the name and it's bugging me if you'll know it let me know

    2 comments · 175 views
  • 181 weeks
    October game drop!

    Ight by now you should have and if you haven't you've been living under a God damn rock any way October 22nd a new game will hopefully drop if it's not pushed back but the game in question is Battlefield 2042 available on old Gen and new Gen consoles and hasn't been released yet but is speculated to have cross platform game play so that means if any of yall mfs wanna squad up hit me up cause i know imma be getting me a ps5 hopefully before then and if not imma get it on ps4 but yea hit me up on

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    0 comments · 142 views
  • 215 weeks
    Anyone else feel this

    anyone else feel like downing a bottle of peanut butter whisky or fireball?... just me, makes sense

    0 comments · 89 views
  • 225 weeks
    updates and howard stern

    updates? yes im working on it i got my stuff all figured out but im not to sure if i will get it done before i leave for a while again or if ill even have time to work on it all while im doing my stuff. anyway im trying to pump out some chapters for the stories i got out so dont think im ignoring it ive just been busy dealing with some personal stuff and work also has anyone heard howard sterns little talk about bronies not to sure when he did that but me and my dad were listening to him and it

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    0 comments · 131 views
  • 245 weeks
    Hello world

    Ca ca ca carona ca ca ca carona ca ca ca CARONA
    .... I'm sorry I dont know why I'm bored

    0 comments · 147 views

Need help · 12:01pm Sep 12th, 2021

So I'm trying to remember this story it was in the crystal empire I think there was a meteor strick that carried a human there he starts to live in the castle shinning armor doesn't like him and he and cadence have been drifting apart turns out he was sleeping with the maids so she divorces him I can't remember the name and it's bugging me if you'll know it let me know

Report BlueHalo56 · 175 views ·
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