This picture needs to be a meme · 7:54pm Dec 8th, 2012
But I have not the creativity nor currently the time to think of a caption.
I'm starting to notice a pattern in who the main characters are in the stories I upload.
But I have not the creativity nor currently the time to think of a caption.
Spontaneous blog post that's as much for me as it is for others just because.
It seems that whenever I randomly remember a fic I like that hasn't been updated in a long time, it gets updated within a few days. Sometimes on the same day.
Obviously, this means I am a wizard.
I realise very few people will ever see this post, but I couldn't not post the latest song of my favourite artist.
I know no one will likely ever read this, but for some reason I feel the need to vent on the internet.
Been working on/off on a one-shot fic that I started writing on a whim recently. I've been writing it on my ipod using the Notes app, then typing what I've written onto my laptop.
On saturday, I had three hours of free time at work (it was a slow day) and so ended up writing quite a large chunk (for my standards) of the story. I was really pleased with it too, which is rare for me.
Okay, so I know it's unlikely more than a few people will ever read this, but I've seen this mistake so many times now that it's infuriating. So many fics seem to do it; in fact I think I've only seen one or two fics do it correctly.
That mistake is when people say 'breath' when they actually mean 'breathe'.
I've seen it far too many times and I don't know whether people forget to add the E or that they don't actually know to.