• Member Since 3rd Jun, 2018
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24 KM To Nerdiness

You know I'm super fly...🪰 | 24 | Straight/Black/Nerd 🐢 | Ask For Ko-Fi | Twitter


A mysterious new restaurant/dating/cuddle service has been built near Ponyville.

Nopony knows exactly where it came from, who owns it or what it really offers.

Ah well, sounds like fun, right! :trollestia:

Content WARNING: huggles, snuggles, kissies, ponies being adorkable, floof play, nibbles and worst of all, boopies

Featured: 9/23-26/2022

"Absolutely adorable! c:"

~ Kryostasis

"Loved every second of it!"

~ Reily

Chapters (1)

Delivery Ponies, the best new thing of modern deliveries!

Through fresh meals, telegrams, surprises, you name it, these lovable li'l creatures will make sure they leave you 100% satisfied with their snuggly services! Just select the "Pony Package", and we'll make sure you get what you need faster than you can boop the "Place Order" button.

They only accept cuddles, huggles, boops and more as tips. :heart:

~Featured 4/25/22; 4/26-28; 5/2~

Leave a comment and like for them, they work very hard for us all. ❤

WARNING: selecting the Pony Package may result in never-ending squeeing, sore cheeks from smiling or high-risk of contracting diabetes.

Chapters (5)

Peace and quiet, two things Hitch craves on a daily basis. This week, though, is a great opportunity to grasp some as Sprout is on a well-needed (almost REQUIRED) week's vacation.

But not even a relaxing week will stop the odd deputy from annoying the mess outta the sheriff, which he ultimately does with a rather...unusual request.

Chapters (1)

Being a newcomer to the world of hoomans, Izzy Moonbow becomes a new addition to a popular spot where ponies can truly shine, now dubbed The Pipp Club, and the charming unicorn does everything in her power to not disappoint.

And, in all honesty, when has she? 🤭🥰

Takes place in a universe where humans and ponies coexist.
Rated T 'cuz of suggestive blah blah, I will NOT taint this angel.

Chapters (1)

It was another lovely sunny day in the wide-open fields of Ponyville.

At the humble cottage of Fluttershy, the kindhearted pegasus is expecting a rather small visit from a not so little visitor whom once stormed upon her tranquil land.

Chapters (1)

Hearts and Hooves Day is approaching, and Doctor Whooves wishes to make the holiday feel the most festive along with the help of his best companion, Derpy.

However, a centuries old tradition may jeopardize his plans, for a stone cold obstacle threatens his chance at success.

Hijinks and lowjinks ensue.

Chapters (5)

Upon making the unfortunate discovery of her inventory lacking a crucial item sent from the heavens, Sonata takes to the streets of Canterlot City in search of her prized source of life:


Chapters (1)

Chrysalis has finally given up.

After many humiliating defeats at the hooves of Twilight and her friends, the overthrown queen of the changelings has taken refuge within the Everfree Forest far from capture and decides to call it quits. Her quest for world domination has officially come to an end...

But it won't stop her from pranking everypony by any means necessary. 😈

However, an unexpected guest may soon hinder her heinous deeds and make her experience things she herself would've never predicted.

For just one little friend can make a big impact.
If anyone's curious, this is not part of the Li'l Chryssy series.

One like = one biscuit for the puppy baby :3

"Wholesome and adorable!"
~ Kryostasis

Chapters (6)

While preparing a pony themed birthday party for his niece, lazy Richard makes the discovery and unfortunate acquaintance of a wacky, living pink balloon filled with more childish glee than helium. With her bubbly determination and Richard's......yes, the odd-but-endearing duo must prove their worth in order to create a great party.

Or, at least decent...

Chapters (3)