• Member Since 12th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 3rd, 2013

Jet Magnum

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Comments ( 13 )
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377901 Woohoo! Excellent! Will catch myself up on that ASAP!

New chapter is finally up! Sorry it took so long.

280765 That explains it; I never even look at the main page, really. Keep my browser open to tabs of my notifications and the next couple stories I mean to read, most times, and it displays whatever tabs i had open last whenever I start it up.

Guess I'll have to start peeking there every now and then. Hope your piece makes it up there, it definitely deserves attention!

280737 Glad you're enjoying it. I'm really enjoying writing it, too.

The feature box is still there, but it's only on the main page now, and has a different shape. I think they must have changed its algorithm when they changed the site layout, too, because I've seen stories in the box with only a few hundred hits, which didn't happen much before, so now it must be designed to let more of the newer fics by lesser known writers in. Demon Slayer didn't quite make it, but maybe it will later.

279718 Oh, gladly. Can't wait to see more! Peeked through some of your other stuff and...wow. You've got a real knack for taking the kinds of silly fic ideas that I usually rolled my eyes at when seeing them on the old Featured bar (which...unless it has been cleverly disguised and I am missing it, no longer seems to exist?) and turning them into something meaningful and entertaining. Glad I gave your stuff a shot after reading through the comments!

  • Viewing 9 - 13 of 13
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