• Member Since 23rd Jan, 2018
  • offline last seen February 3rd


Hiya #UwU#}/)"

Comments ( 5 )
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Howdy there folks! UwU)/)"
I've always wanted ta try somethin like this sooo here goes nothin!!
Also i love ta write the many silly yet dark random thoughts n ideas that can pop up at a moments notice in mah head.
Sometimes their about things like hopeless romance and sometimes their dealing with tragedy.
Anywhos what ever might come out of this here darn keyboard i hope y'all will enjoy it!

is what my lil ol description would of said if there was no limit to characters.. ah well..

Thank you for adding I'm a loser to your library!

No Problem it was an and is an AMAZING Story!! i loved it very much and those last few chapters and that end man oof it hits hard and man i cried! it was told in a really well written way and stock full of emotions! heh this story is wonderful and keep up the amazing job mate! ^^)/)

Thanks for the bookshelf add!

Thanks for the Fave, and welcome to the site!

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